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Writer's picture: Castiel NoanneCastiel Noanne

1 Peter 2:9 is a beautiful scripture. Here is what it says, But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light’

Coming into Christianity assures you of one thing. That you will be different. You will be peculiar. That you will no longer fit in the systems of the world. This is because you have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light and that wells up a praise within you. A praise of Him who has called you into life and light.

In our community, we have embraced this truth passionately. We look to the cloth we have been cut from and the stone from which we have been hewn. Our family linage goes back to Smith Wigglesworth down to Howard Carter to Dr. Lestar Sumrall to Dr. Rod Parsley to Reverend Evans Kariuki and now to us. As we look back to this linage, we come to an understanding as to why we jump as high as we do, why we shout as loudly as we do, why we worship God as passionately as we do, why we spin as wide as we do, why we praise from the altar, why we can’t fit in and why we carry the value of a soul. We come to the understanding of what it means to be a firebrand.

We believe that God can transform the life of any human being that surrenders to Him. For us, the state in which you walk into our ministry does not matter. We will receive you with love. However, we believe that you cannot remain the same once you open up to have God transform you. We believe that Transformation happens through Revelation, Association and Participation (TRAP).

A revelation of the Word of God is able to make one wise for salvation. When the Word of God becomes flesh to you, it is able to give you life, as you come into a deeper awareness of who God is and the purpose that He intends for you to fulfil on earth. And that is transformation in itself.

Association or rather Fellowship is vital. It plays a huge role in making a Christian grow. Acts 2:42 tells us of the fellowship of the believers in the early church, they used to gather to pray and break bread. Through the fellowship of brethren, people are able to encourage each other, pray for each other and support each other. The fellowship is beyond having conversations about one’s life. The fellowship is about opening up to have God use you to fulfil the purpose in your relationships.

Participation in the work that God is doing through a ministry is an amazing way to have God transform your life. Participation allows you to express the life that God has put in you. It is exciting to be involved in God’s work. Whenever you participate, you are expressing Kingdom realities. The perfect will of God as it is in Heaven gets to be performed through you!

We hold on to these truths because they have been proven right in the life of so many people that have walked through our doors. Many are the young people who continue to have the Word of God becoming flesh in their lives and this has gone a long way into making them the great people that they are in their spheres of influence.

Many are the people who have made genuine friends in this ministry. Friends that seek God for their lives, pray for them, encourage them in this walk of faith and support them. In fact, we have outgrown friendships in our ministry, we are family.

Many are the people who continue to do exploits for the Kingdom of God in schools, along streets, in estates and places of work because they have decided to put their hands on the plough and participate in the life of God.

This is us. We are unashamed of what we believe in and by the simple fact we have allowed God to Transform us by Revelation, Association and Participation, we are ordinary people doing extraordinary things for the kingdom of God. We are Firebrand Nation!

Message by Pastor Joshua Mwesigwa

Content by Mwende Nzioki

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